Welcome to the OTTAA Project
The OTTAA Project is an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) mobile application intended for users with speech and language impairments. It is a fast and effective tool that significantly improves users' quality of life and facilitates their social and labor reintegration. We have already positively impacted the lives of more than 40000 people in 11 countries, helping individuals with cerebral palsy, aphasia, autism, Down syndrome, and mild ALS.
You can be a part of this open-source project and help build life-changing technology, join us!
Read our Project's Roadmap to learn about what features we are currently working on, what stage they are in, and when we expect to deliver them to you.
How does it work?
The OTTAA app facilitates human communication via pictograms for those who are speech impaired, suggesting to each user the most appropriate pictograms based on preference, need, and environment. Watch this video for a more comprehensive walkthrough.
Getting started: setting up your IDE for the first time
- Run
flutter pub get
to get the dependencies. - Run
flutter pub run build_runner build
to generate the model class code. - Run
flutter run
to run the project.
* In case you encounter any errors in model building:
- Run
flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
Libraries & tools
The OTTAA Project was developed and runs mainly on:
The complete list of libraries used and their functions can be found here.
Official Android developer tools
Android Studio
API reference
- We are using Dartdoc to automate the [API reference documentation] (place_holder: link to API reference). For some help getting started with Dartdoc, check out this guide we put together.
Contributors help the OTTAA Project grow. If you would like to become a contributor, please read Contributing.
Technology Standards
Open standards establish protocols and building blocks to help make digital public goods more functional and interoperable. This not only streamlines product development but also removes vendor-imposed boundaries to read or write data files by improving data exchange and open-source development support that is why we use the following Technology standards across our software and implementations.
- HTTPS for secure communication over networks
- OAuth 2 for authentication and user authorization
- UTF-8 for string localization and internalization
- JSON for database structure and data transfer
- PNG & Webp for images and pictograms
- OGG for audio files
We have compiled a list of FAQs, you can check it [here](place_holder: link to FAQs once posted in web)
Thank you to our current sponsors!
Support this project by becoming a sponsor.
📝 Legal & Licenses
- Code - GPLv3
- ARASAAC Symbols - CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
- Global Symbols CIC - CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
- OTTAA Project™ 2016 - 2022
OTTAA's brand assets, texts, logos, icons, designs, names of other OTTAA software, and any other brand features and elements, whether registered or unregistered (“Brand Assets”)—are proprietary assets owned exclusively by OTTAA and its group of companies.