OTTAA Project

Our Vision
Be a global one-stop solution for technological solutions for people with disabilities. With innovation, affordability and empathy as key motivators and guidelines.
Our Mission
Everyday we work to improve people with disabilities lifestyle by returning the voice to all those who have lost it; we are sure that technology can empower people with disabilities.
Our Community
Our community is a crucible of experiences and capabilities, from software developers, biomedical engineers, speech therapists, families, and people with disabilities. We treat ourselves as equals with respect and empathy
Leadership and Governance
As with any large software development, we have to analyze, review and approve any change made to the software to be consistent and respectful of our users, most importantly with those that are not used to or have a hard time facing changes.
Nevertheless we would love to hear your suggestions, improvements or crazy new ideas.
For your contribution to be seamless and enjoyable, we suggest you to start with our bite-size "Good first contributions", up until you feel confident enough to face the big features.
Create your phrases
Touch one or more pictograms to create a sentence as long as you want. The pictograms are automatically related and you will always have one more pictogram to add.

Talk to the world
Once the phrase is created, touch the OTTAA logo to speak aloud or using the share icon, you can send your phrase through the most used social networks.
Access thousands of pictograms
In OTTAA you have access to thousands of pictograms to talk about whatever you want, find the Picto Gallery in the lower left corner of the main screen.

Play and Learn
Enter the games section to learn by playing. OTTAA has didactic games to learn vocabulary, concepts and much more. Also, more games will be available soon!